Chinese Herb Sourcing & Safety

Increasingly, people are interested in learning more about the source of the things they put into their bodies. This is a good thing! It is even more important when the substances in question are supposed to help you. You don’t want to unintentionally take something that will make you feel worse!

At Watershed Wellness, we work with the most attentive, well-educated and ethical herb distributors in the United States and Australia. These companies are run by people that I know as colleagues and friends, who all share a fastidious passion for bringing the highest quality Chinese herbs to the world.

Very rarely, when something is out of stock, we will have to do business with another company. But we always hold them to the same high standards, and if we cannot find the herb we need from a company we can trust, then we simply don’t carry that herb.

Taking Chinese Herbs Safely

Any time you take a medicine, herb, or supplement you should ensure yourself that you are doing so safely. The first and most important step is working with a licensed healthcare professional, and sharing your entire health history and pharmaceutical/supplement regimen with them. When you come to see an herbalist at Watershed Wellness, you can rest assured that they are trained to the highest state standards and have learned how to prescribe herbs safely. This includes being sure to do extensive intakes and diagnosis so that the herbs prescribed are right for you, as well as understanding the way that herbs and pharmaceutical substances may interact.

If you have a medication change, add a new supplement to your regimen, or have some significant procedure, it’s always best to let your herbalist know so that they can be sure the formula is right for you. Further, you should always let your practitioner know if a formula you are taking seems to be causing any side effects. While side effects are rare with Chinese herbal formulas prescribed properly, it can happen, and your practitioner will be able to advise you about how to proceed.

You should never mix your Chinese herbs with other substances, including sweeteners like honey, unless you have discussed it with your practitioner. When herbs are mixed together as a formula, the interactions between the herbs are part of how the effect is created. So, if you add some other substance to your herbs, it may alter that effect, making it stronger, weaker, or just different.

Watershed Community Wellness LLC © 2009 - [#this year :%Y]. All rights reserved.

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