Last update : July 18, 2023

While the COVID-19 pandemic is largely behind us, the virus is still with us as are the lessons it taught us during those difficult years.
We have changed some of our policies as infection rates have dropped and state mandates have expired. However, many of our infection control protocols have remained unchanged in order to minimize the likelihood that our clinic becomes a source of infection whether it is COVID-19, the flu, or a garden variety cold. It seems only smart to continue to be fastidious particularly when we treat many people with suppressed immune function, for whom an infection of any kind can be deadly.
Our infection control protocols
If you would like to learn more about what we are doing to limit transmission of coronavirus, and all other infectious pathogens, in our clinic, please visit the following page to learn all the details.
What YOU can do to help us keep our clinic safe for our most vulnerable neighbors
If we learned anything during the pandemic it is that collective action (and inaction) is powerful. Elders, people with multiple chronic health conditions, people using immuno-suppressive therapies for the treatment of serious illness, and others all need our help to avoid pathogens that could kill them. Here are some things you can do to help!
1 – Don’t come to the clinic when you are in the infectious stage of any illness
The first and best thing you can do is to stay home when you’re sick. As we discuss on our cancellation policy page, if you must cancel within the 24 hour cancellation window due to illness, you will not be charged the fee. Stay home and take care of yourself! Our acupuncturists and Naturopathic Doctors may be available for phone or video consultation if you would like help with the symptoms of a cold or other viral infection. Just contact us for more information!
2 – Arrive as close to treatment time as you can
The fewer people sitting in the waiting room, the better. If you arrive early, please wait in your car or find a beautiful outdoor spot to watch the sights as you wait. Then come up the elevator or stairs to the clinic a couple of minutes before your appointment. If you find the waiting room is full – ask the front desk – they may be able to send you to your treatment room early to wait.
3 – Only bring other people with you to your appointment if absolutely necessary
While we understand that it is sometimes necessary for multiple people to attend an appointment, we just ask that you minimize these instances as best as you can.
4 – While face coverings are no longer required at Watershed Wellness, we encourage you to wear one whenever you can
In July 2023, in accordance with the change in the state mandate, we made it optional for patients and providers to wear masks at the clinic. Some practitioners still choose to wear masks, and we always watch to see if our patients are masked. If we see you are masked, we will always put a mask on in order to increase your comfort. If we fail to notice, do not hesitate to ask us to mask-up. All practitioners are here to ensure that you feel as safe as possible during your treatment. Also, if you would like a mask upon arrival, we have a supply of surgical masks at the front desk for your use at any time.
5 – Keep your hands clean!
You are invited to use the ample supply of hand sanitizer throughout the clinic to keep your hands clean. You can also use the bathroom near the elevators in the hallway to wash your hands at any time. You should clean your hands when you arrive, after your treatment, after eating anything, and after using the bathroom. Do try to minimize touching your face whenever possible, or adjusting your mask if you are wearing one.