We believe that knowing more about your body, health & healing & the world around you will help you to get the most out of your healthcare. To help you along the way, we have a number of free educational resources, and are adding more regularly.
- Monthly email newsletter – This resource will keep you updated concerning practitioners, services & events at the clinic as well as connect you with the latest articles & podcasts we’ve released. We also include special newsletter-only educational content, discounts and opportunities to reward people who agree to receive the newsletter. Sign up for free today!
- Classical Chinese Medicine online library – This resource is evolving regularly as we add content related to the theories, practices and history of Classical Chinese Medicine. This includes information relevant to your treatment, such as instructions on how to take your herbs properly, but includes much more. Learning more about acupuncture, herbs and the theories behind them can be a wonderful way to enhance your treatment. It’s all free – check it out!
- Blog – Our blog contains information on all of our modalities, written by multiple practitioners in their unique styles. New articles are released regularly, and we’re always happy to hear your input about what you’d like to learn about next – just contact us with your ideas. Then, go read the blog.
- Podcast – We’ve been hosting a podcast for many years including interviews with practitioners, topical discussions of our modalities, and more. The latest series of episodes covers Classical Chinese medicine symbolism about the organ systems of the body and has been our most popular series yet. You can subscribe to our podcast in any major podcast app just by searching for “Watershed Wellness.” You can access all our previous episodes on our podcast page.
- Youtube Channel – We recently started a YouTube channel, and while there aren’t too many videos there yet, it is a 2023/2024 point of emphasis to expand our video content both on YouTube and on our social media accounts. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and let us know how you like it.