Heart 7- 神門 Shénmén

Heart 7 is a point on the inside of the wrist, close to the wrist crease.
- English translations : Spirit Gate
- Point Properties :
- Shu-Stream (Earth) : Shu-stream points are especially good for treating the solid organs (zang), so generally more chronic but serious diseases. In this case, it is an earth point on an fire channel.
- Yuan Source : Yuan source points provide deeply nourishing energy to the associated channel and organ.
- Official location (Deadman) : At the wrist joint, on the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris, in the depression at the proximal border of the pisiform bone.
- Chinese medicine functions : Calms the spirit, regulates and tonifies the Heart
- Common conditions treated:
- Insomnia, sleep talking, sleep walking
- Poor memory, dementia
- Various mental-emotional conditions, especially those involving anxiety and mania
- Heart pain, palpitations, pounding heart
- Painful and dry throat, spitting or vomiting blood